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From the December 1944 issue of The Christian Science Journal

FAITHFUL, scientific teaching in a Christian Science Sunday School is more than a privilege, more than an enjoyable church activity, vastly more than merely obediently filling an appointment made by the governing board of one's church. It is a sacred trust, a divine demand for renewed consecration to our Cause. It is a call for greater loyalty to our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, a clearer understanding of the purpose of her lifework, and a purer love for God and man.

By-Laws regulating its conduct are included in the Manual of The Mother Church, Article XX, thereby giving the Sunday school a significant place in the Christian Science movement throughout all generations, establishing it as an activity vital to the Christianization and redemption of mankind.

Though only teachers and officers are present at its exercises, the prosperity of the Sunday school should be of deep concern to every Christian Scientist. Apathy and indifference towards the welfare of the Sunday school are wedges of evil which would, if it were possible, invade and undermine the highest form of organization for human betterment, the highest visible manifestation of the true Church. In proportion to the Christlike thinking of its members are evil beliefs nullified, the dynamic power for good of every branch church in its community is proved, and the Sunday school's purpose of Christian education of children and young people is fulfilled.

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