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From the December 1944 issue of The Christian Science Journal

MARY BAKER EDDY has revealed in Christian Science that God, good, is All-in-all. The Christian Scientist therefore knows that, even though desperate conditions confront him, the truth is always present to heal any situation. He learns to acknowledge the truth instead of believing a lie. When we know a thing is an utter falsity, we no longer have any faith in it. To fear error is to have faith in something besides God. Error is always an unfounded falsity; and so we learn to place all our trust in Truth, in good, the established fact, the reality of being. God reigns, and He does not share His omnipotence with a lesser power. Since all-powerful good governs supremely, can we believe that one iota of evil has ever had even a semblance of power?

A student of Christian Science remembers a visit with her two small children to her mother in another state. It was winter, and bulbs for spring blossoming were being shown in the stores. One of the children bought a bulb and planted it in a little flowerpot. He was told that it should be kept in a dark place for a short time, but no one paid any attention to where he placed the pot. The Scientist and her children soon went back to their own home, and everyone forgot about the bulb the little boy had planted.

Weeks later the Scientist's mother told her that she had gone to the basement to look in the farthest coalbin and check up on the coal, and when she opened the door there was a beautiful white lily in full bloom in the doorway. The child had placed the flowerpot in the coalbin, and the little plant, in that dark place, had reached out and up for the light that came in through the crack in the door and had blossomed. It was a happy experience for the Scientist's mother to find the lily, and what a lesson it taught the Christian Scientist! No matter how dark the experiences we seem to have, as we reach out and up for the light, even as the little plant did, we shall see our faith blossom into fruition, often in unexpected ways and places. As we trust God and His infinite ways of blessing us, we shall find His outline of good far surpasses any human plan. Even if we see only a faint beam of Truth, as we follow this light and make it ours we shall be led into the full glow of day.

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