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The Golden Rule has always paid dividends. ... It is not much to ask that man...

From the December 1944 issue of The Christian Science Journal


The Golden Rule has always paid dividends. ... It is not much to ask that man should treat his fellow man in the manner that he himself would be treated. It is a very even exchange, and yet it is precisely that one over which human nature has its severest struggles. . . . There is now, and there always will be, an active need for a lively conscience in mankind. Conscience begins by asking awkward questions of the individual, questions for which self-evasion will not serve. It would be a pound-of-flesh world without conscience, without good will, without the Golden Rule. For all time to come Shakespeare has shown the folly of that. But, long before the Bard of Avon wrote, the Golden Rule was set before mankind in unmistakable terms. . . . Those who have truly learned it have found God's peace in their hearts, no matter what the storm and the battle without.—Selected.

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