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From the December 1944 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THROUGHOUT the ages millions of thinking men and women have been denied a logical answer to the question once propounded by Job, "If a man die, shall he live again?" The reason they have been so denied is that the premises upon which they have sought a conclusion have been based upon the conventional, though erroneous, belief that the physical body is an embodiment of life and exists, together with the universe, in a realm distinct from the realm of Mind.

Mankind generally, because of this failure to find a satisfactory answer to Job's question, has come to regard the sequel to human living with aversion and fear, and the thought of finality in death, which the material sense testimony would appear to support, has been so abhorrent to the individual that he has beclouded the whole question with mysticism or tried to put it out of his thought. Thus have men surrendered in belief man's inalienable right to freedom, opportunity, dominion, and conscious immortality, and lost life's higher spiritual meaning and beauty in the fetters of material limitation, fear, and bondage.

To cast aside these fetters of mortality and reveal the continuity and glory of Mind, and Mind's idea, man, was the mission of Christ Jesus. "I am come," he said, "that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." This Christ-way of abundant life, hidden through the centuries, has again been restored to mankind through the teachings of Christian Science, which affirms the spirituality, eternality, and perfection of man, and shows that the divine Mind, God, forever sustains man as His own idea, and that activity, continuity, consistency, and perpetuity, which are the unchanging characteristics of Mind, are eternally maintained in man, rendering impossible the existence of evil and mortality in his experience. As a result of these teachings, great multitudes have in these latter years gained a logical, demonstrable, and satisfying answer to their questions as to the continuity of man's life. Indeed, a larger life has been opened to the students of Christian Science, for, based as it is upon Christ, Truth, it brings all who accept it within that blessed company to which the Apostle Paul referred as having "been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus."

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