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From the December 1944 issue of The Christian Science Journal

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE opens the door to the spiritual understanding of man's unity with God, whereby he learns that the kingdom of heaven is present here. He who stays mentally on spiritual heights of Love can never be touched by evil. Striving to reflect the divine Mind, the individual is protected and guided by God's angels. Evil cannot deprive him of opportunity, joy, happiness, or safety. Let us therefore claim God's purpose, as revealed to Isaiah: "Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain: and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it."

A mother whose only son was in the service of his country was almost overwhelmed with grief and loneliness, and she knew that the son was striving to overcome a great sense of homesickness. Turning to Christian Science for help, she learned that homesickness, loneliness, and grief must be unreal and without authority, because they cannot be found in the divine Mind. She saw happiness as real, and reasoned that since there is no place outside of God's tender care, both she and her son were encircled by God's love, in which time and space are unknown. She accepted the spiritual fact that the right place for him to be, was the safest place. In a short time all loneliness left her, and a great peace and confidence in God's willingness to care for her son took possession of thought. Shortly after this she received a letter from her son stating that all homesickness had left him, and he was enjoying companionship with another student of Christian Science. Many opportunities for aiding others were being presented to him, and he was finding that unselfishness and courteous consideration for one's fellows brought a quiet sense of brotherhood.

Omnipresent Love is the source of all good, and our lives will broaden and flower into usefulness as we express a purer and more unselfish affection for all mankind. The many will become as dear as the few once were. This high altitude of thought cherishes a brotherhood whose divine Principle is Love. God is present to guard, guide, and govern our loved ones wherever they may be, and He never fails to minister to our individual needs. Pain and separation are never found in all-encircling Love, and when we allow Love's healing presence to permeate our thoughts, fear, disappointment, loneliness, and doubt are swept away. Then is the glorious power of infinite Love demonstrated. Love, not hatred, and unity, not separation, are the results of the spiritual understanding of God as Love. In "No and Yes" by Mary Baker Eddy we read (p. 35), "When human struggles cease, and mortals yield lovingly to the purpose of divine Love, there will be no more sickness, sorrow, sin, and death."

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