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From the February 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

ONE seeking the benefits of Christian Science healing is strongly encouraged by seeing in the lives of others the healing of so-called incurable diseases through a correct understanding of the truth of being. As in the time of Jesus, one proof of God's power to heal is more convincing than thousands of words of explanation.

That man is idea, not physique, is one of the most heartening and sustaining truths that Mary Baker Eddy reveals in her remarkable writings. Our Leader states in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 275), "To grasp the reality and order of being in its Science, you must begin by reckoning God as the divine Principle of all that really is." As one recognizes that God is the only cause and intelligence, he can plainly see that there is no truth in the belief that disease is caused by matter or organic life. He gains the assurance that since the carnal mind is the origin of and only witness to disease, healing can be accomplished by spiritual means alone, and that there is no need for doctoring the body or removing matter through a surgical operation.

It is encouraging to know that through the correction of wrong thinking, suffering, based on a misconception of man, ceases to exist. And it should not be difficult for anyone to change from misconceptions involving illogical, fraudulent beliefs to the right idea of man as he is eternally known to God. By such a change of consciousness one begins to demonstrate his dominion over error in any form.

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