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From the February 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

AS one surveys the thought of the world on the subject of religion, he often sees so much room for improvement that he is liable to be tempted with discouragement. It may be helpful briefly to review the great progress civilization has made during the past two thousand years toward an understanding of the true nature of God.

In the days of Jesus most people of the Roman Empire were worshiping Roman and Greek gods and goddesses. This fact was brought graphically to the attention of the writer when during the recent war it was his privilege to visit Syria and Palestine. Near Damascus he viewed the ruin of the pagan temples of Baalbec. These were built about the time of Jesus and represent the labor of between two hundred and fifty thousand and four hundred thousand slaves during a period of two hundred and fifty years. It was to such pagan temples that most of the world came to worship.

What has happened to this concept of many pagan gods? A great change has taken place, and mankind has awakened to the fact, in theory at least, that there is only one God. Jews, Christians, and Moslems unite in worship of one God. They recognize God as the one creator of the universe and man. Jews as well as Christians accept the First Commandment (Ex. 20:3), "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." The myriad Roman and Grecian gods are believed in no longer, and their temples lie in ruin.

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