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From the February 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

LIGHT has ever been the symbol of enlightenment and progress. By its very nature it uncovers the insubstantiality of darkness. Christian Science sheds the light of Truth on the reality of being, namely, God, infinite Mind, and His perfect spiritual creation, including the Godlike, indestructible man. It dispels the darkness and ignorance of materiality and discloses the light and intelligence of spirituality. It elucidates man's indissoluble relationship to his creator, God, Mind, Truth, and Love, and makes clear his eternal perfection as the image of infinite Life.

In this flawless relationship perfect cooperation, co-ordination, and coexistence are divine verities uniting all of God's children in one orderly, harmonious family. No false suggestions of separation, obstruction, or resistance can cause any cleavage among them or interrupt the perfect relationship between ever-active Mind and its obedient ideas. God being everywhere present, no loss, depletion, or deprivation can disturb the harmony of man, His own image and likeness.

In the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, we read (p. 215): "We are sometimes led to believe that darkness is as real as light; but Science affirms darkness to be only a mortal sense of the absence of light, at the coming of which darkness loses the appearance of reality. So sin and sorrow, disease and death, are the suppositional absence of Life, God, and flee as phantoms of error before truth and love." In demonstrating the scientific truths which are set forth in the foregoing statement, as well as in others in that precious volume, we oftentimes find that circumstances which without the light of Christian Science might have been painful, harassing, or disappointing, serve as means of enlightening our understanding, as the following experience of a Christian Scientist illustrates.

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