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From the March 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE teaches that human experience is simply the outward manifestation of human consciousness. To be aware of anything outside of consciousness would be impossible. On page 484 of our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mary Baker Eddy writes, "The physical universe expresses the conscious and unconscious thoughts of mortals."

Just as warring thoughts are expressed in physical strife between men and nations, even so hatred, malice, revenge, and similar turbulent, vicious passions are expressed in the fury of the elements. It is evident that if we wish to improve these physical conditions in the world today, we must improve human consciousness. Christian Science teaches and demonstrates that God is Mind, the one and only divine consciousness, of which man is the perfect and immediate reflection. Since God is Truth, real consciousness is cognizant only of that which is true. Understanding these facts progressively destroys false and discordant images or beliefs.

Let us consider how the right knowing which purifies human consciousness affects weather or seasonal conditions. The realization that divine intelligence governs the real universe ensures a natural, orderly manifestation of rain and sun to gently nourish the crops, of wind to fill the sails and turn the mills, and so on through every daily need. The understanding that God, Mind, is directing and controlling His spiritual universe in perfect rhythm and harmony eliminates from consciousness such thinking as is expressed in earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, and the fear of such manifestations of blind violence.

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