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From the March 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IT is more than sixty years since Mary Baker Eddy said that in scanning the newspapers of the day one naturally deduced that it was dangerous to live, and pointed out that the descriptions which the papers printed frightened many (see Miscellaneous Writings, p. 7). Since those days the claims of mortal mind on behalf of evil, sickness, and destruction seem to have increased to an almost overwhelming proportion, and to the advertisements with their details regarding disease have been added the voice of the radio and the lights of electric signs suggesting symptoms and remedies. In order not to be deceived by these claims of mortal mind, Christian Scientists need to be watchful that their thoughts are always dwelling on the allness of God.

Christian Science is based firmly on the Bible declaration, "I am the Lord, and there is none else." It teaches that since there is none other than God, infinite Mind, the divine, perfect consciousness, knowing only good, there can be no possibility of any other mind to know or suggest evil. Divine Mind is All. If there is only this one divine Mind, then this Mind is the Mind of man, and man can have no other mind. Infinite Mind contains within itself all the good, beauty, and perfection which are essential for the harmonious unfolding of its eternal expression. Infinite Mind expresses through man the perfection and power of intelligent right knowing, and man is ever conscious of the happiness and health of Mind's untroubled and joyous ideas.

There is no power or being other than this divine Being. There is no mortal mind to disrupt the infinitude of divine Mind, no error to dispute the allness of immutable Truth, no evil to disturb the ever-presence of inexhaustible Love. Christian Science thus brings to light the wonderful fact that there is, absolutely speaking, no evil to be overcome, and that, from the human standpoint, evil is nothing more than mistaken belief to be destroyed in human consciousness. The allness of God means the nothingness of evil, and knowing this truth sets mankind free from the false claims of mortal mind.

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