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From the March 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

WHAT gratitude goes out from the heart of Christian Scientists to their beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, for dispelling the mist in which the words and works of Jesus had become so enshrouded that his would-be followers, however earnestly they desired to do so, found it impossible to obey his commands to heal the sick and do the works which he did! The writer wondered in her childhood why men were not doing the things which Jesus told his followers to do—certainly, at least, not in the way he did, and he never indicated that there was any other way.

When she was faced in early womanhood with the alternative of death or an operation which would leave her very delicate, a relative who had just taken up the study of Christian Science lent her a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. Not only did the reading of this book and the help of a Christian Science practitioner make an operation unnecessary, but she found herself completely healed and all her questions regarding the practicality of Jesus' commands answered.

The central fact of Jesus' teachings was the truth of man's divine sonship and unity with the Father. His understanding of this truth enabled him to demonstrate dominion over every human condition and step by step to lay off every belief of the flesh until he finally rose to the full realization of his spiritual individuality. On two occasions when he stated the truth of his spiritual sonship and unity with the Father, the carnal mind was so enraged that his hearers took up stones to destroy him.

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