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From the March 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

HE who knows he is a son of God is aware of the evidence that sustains that knowledge. Since spiritual sense alone embraces such knowledge, spiritual sense must be cultivated, or rather revealed, in and by him who would see enduring evidence of what he knows. That is at least one reason why Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, declares in her textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 67), "Spiritual, not corporeal, consciousness is needed."

True knowledge is that which is known by divine Spirit, or perfect Mind, God. Such knowledge has form and substance. It has definiteness and presence. It is outlined as spiritual idea by infinite Mind. It is tangible and actual for the very reason that it is in Mind and is therefore known. Since only truth can be known and only truth is real, the consciousness which knows itself to be real is forever beholding the proof of its reality.

The foregoing statements are important. Based as they are on the proofs supplied by Christ Jesus and the demonstrations of Christian Science, they indicate the way of release for mankind from sickness, limitation, confusion, defeat, conflict, and all the ills which mortal sense claims as its own. Such ills are not tangible and actual, for the reason that they are not and cannot be known in any real sense. Believed, yes, if we understand belief to be the illusion which mesmerized so-called mentality sees in its dream of nonexistent selfhood. But not known, because not true, not in self-existent, eternal, all-knowing Mind. Therefore not real, because devoid of dependable evidence of reality. The so-called consciousness which claims to know limitation and the whole gamut of mortal deficiency is itself limited. Else it would not seem to see evidence of limitation. And being limited, it has no capacity for correct knowing, or all knowing. Since incorrect knowledge is not truth, that which has incorrect knowledge, or seems to have it, is unreal. Only the Mind which knows all knows anything acceptable as knowledge. And only knowledge is aware of evidence which sustains knowledge.

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