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From the October 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Humanity in general is prone to wait for salvation from its many woes through what is vaguely termed "the afterlife." This notion constitutes denial of present and immediate salvation. Many individuals, religiously inclined but as yet spiritually unenlightened, wistfully regard death as the one friend that ultimately saves from suffering. Yet in the Bible death is exposed as an enemy to be destroyed. Outshining the obscurity of man-made dogmas, Christian Science elucidates and proves the method and the fact of present salvation through widespread healing of disease and extermination of sinful tendencies and their degrading influence.

In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 593) Mary Baker Eddy presents this Christianly lucid interpretation of salvation: "Life, Truth, and Love understood and demonstrated as supreme over all; sin, sickness, and death destroyed." Spiritual understanding is subject only to multiplication, never to limitation, vacillation, or loss. Students of Christian Science may occasionally be tempted to doubt the efficacy of what they regard as their personal and meager spiritual understanding. How shall they shake themselves free from this thieving error? By firmly aligning themselves with the Psalmist's inspired declaration in regard to Deity (147:5), "His understanding is infinite." The one infinite understanding is infinitely reflected by man as God's own image.

In Christian Science the basis of every demonstration is the boundless reflection of the supreme power of Life, Truth, and Love. Every phase of mortal mind is exposed and dealt with as a baseless deception, which cannot withstand the illumination of the promised "Comforter,... the Spirit of truth" (John 14:16, 17), revealed by Mrs. Eddy. Whoever stanchly and gratefully acknowledges the Spirit of truth becomes aware of the limitless saving power of spiritual understanding in his own behalf and that of others who turn to Christian Science for release from the pantheistic impositions of materiality and its spurious laws.

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