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From the August 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Are freedom and dominion matters of chance and subject to accident? Is man a victim of whimsical fate and erratic circumstance? Do the presence and operation of law mean a curtailment of freedom? The negative views indicated in these questions are all refuted in Christian Science, which teaches that freedom is a positive condition, the result of exercising man's God-given dominion. It is the constant operation of God's law that maintains freedom and dominion for God's man. God's man is free from all that is not good, harmonious, God-ordained, God-planned, and God-maintained, because he dwells under the sovereignty of God.

Inharmonious conditions and circumstances which present themselves to mortal consciousness as facts are demonstrated in Christian Science to be delusions, because they are not in accordance with God's law of universal harmony.

Mary Baker Eddy defines Christian Science "as the law of God, the law of good, interpreting and demonstrating the divine Principle and rule of universal harmony" (Rudimental Divine Science, p. 1). Science acquaints us with the spiritual laws of God, thereby enabling us to demonstrate true freedom and dominion. To the extent that we grasp the Principle of Christian Science we are liberated from the frailty, the bondage, the limitations, that belong only to the false, mortal sense of existence, ignorant of God's law. Divine law, when loved and obeyed, guarantees freedom, establishes dominion, and precludes the possibility of any opposing power to disrupt, pervert, or emasculate these qualities, which are Godbestowed on man. As mankind places itself under the sovereignty of God, it demonstrates that there are no opposing powers, conflicting wills, traitorous impulses, or evil forces to bring about confusion, chaos, tyranny, or disorder. God, good, being supreme, evil is powerless.

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