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From the August 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In different places in her writings Mary Baker Eddy refers to mathematics to point out the correct, scientific methods of Christian Science. So she says in "Christian Healing" (pp. 8, 9:) "If we work to become Christians as honestly and as directly upon a divine Principle, and adhere to the rule of this Principle as directly as we do to the rule of mathematics, we shall be Christian Scientists, and do more than we are now doing, and progress faster than we are now progressing."

It is interesting and helpful to dwell a moment on mathematics and to ponder the greatness and import of the fundamental law of arithmetic, geometry, trigonometry, and so on. In ancientry the art of ciphering was considered a secret science known only by a few adepts. Today mathematics is considered by many to be the only exact science, while such sciences as theology and medicine are regarded as speculative. Now what is the rule of mathematics which our Leader found to be great enough to liken it to the Principle of Christian Science?

It is, "One times one is one." It is selfevident, and the harmonious, correct results of all conclusions drawn from this law prove its reality. The slightest deviation brings forth wrong results, and so this proof has been accepted as fixed and absolute and made the starting point of all ciphering and searching in mathematics. Today we are so familiar with it that nobody doubts its correctness. One who finds a wrong result in his sum does not believe the principle of mathematics to be dualistic, sometimes right and sometimes wrong. He knows, instead, that his thinking was incorrect. And he corrects his mistake willingly, without toil or mental struggle, even perhaps laughing at his foolishness.

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