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From the August 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science impresses upon its students the need to keep always before them the clear vision of their purpose, for only so can they be sure to follow without deviation the pathway that leads right on to their goal. "We reach the Science of Christianity through demonstration of the divine nature." That is the directive of Mary Baker Eddy on page 4 of the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures."

The Christian Scientist's purpose, then, is to demonstrate the unlimited capabilities and spiritual power of the divine nature as it was revealed by Christ Jesus, who gave certain proof of his own unity therewith by overcoming discords of all kinds, including sin, disease, limitation, lack, tempest, death. The Scientist's purpose is nothing less than full obedience to the Master's call (Matt. 16:24), "Follow me."

Every earnest student of this Science would do well constantly to ask himself, "Am I fully responding to the demands that Christian Science makes upon all its students to have the Mind of Christ, to apprehend and reflect the divine nature?" Such a question may very rightly prompt some self-examination, but the discovery of any hitherto unrecognized shortcomings should not be cause for self-condemnation or discouragement. Desire to progress welcomes any opportunity to be rid of thoughts and characteristics that choke spiritual growth, for thus the way is opened for the appearance of the divine nature.

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