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From the August 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In its opening chapter the Bible records the effortless unfoldment of creation in order, majesty, light. The final words seal its integrity (Gen. 1:31): "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good." The Bible states that God saw. Seeing, then, belongs to God and in its true sense is divine awareness. God, Mind, sees and is conscious of His own infinite selfhood, and this knowing constitutes creation. Hence man's health, satisfaction, and completeness are forever safe in the all-embracing Love that is God. Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, writes these clarifying words in her book "Unity of Good" (p. 32:) "Spirit is the only creator, and man, including the universe, is His spiritual concept."

The alert Christian Scientist may well ask himself these challenging questions: "What do I see? How do I see? Am I viewing creation as God's spiritual concept?" For the educational systems of the world have taught for centuries that a man is one of many million mortals submissively, or rebelliously, peopling the earth and that everything he needs and wants is exterior to his being. According to medical law his health can come and go. It is said his supply is uncertain—a vagary or will-o'-the-wisp —subject to the whims of persons or to the unaccountable gyrations of economic and trade laws. His happiness, peace, government, are at the disposal of war and destruction; in fact he lives, so we have been taught, in an ever-fluctuating panorama of matter and fear.

The human mind, viewing everything from the standpoint of matter, sees duality. Its lying and misleading evidence would distort the facts of real being and testify to two of everything—to good and evil, health and. sickness, life and death. Then this socalled mind tries to improve and heal this sense of duality. Christian Science, on the other hand, recognizes one Mind, one law, one creation, and it declares that the distortions of the carnal mind need no restoration to any so-called normalcy in matter. The demand of Science is that they yield to the reality of being through the Christlike understanding which Science reveals. The God-asserted facts of Spirit, including the truth of man in the likeness of his Maker, show the distorted concepts of the carnal mind to be impossibilities, nonexistent.

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