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From the August 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

On page 5 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" Mary Baker Eddy writes: "The followers of Christ drank his cup. Ingratitude and persecution filled it to the brim; but God pours the riches of His love into the understanding and affections, giving us strength according to our day." What a wonderful promise for those who seem to be experiencing hardships— the certainty that whatever the difficulty, the strength to meet it is always present!

In many parts of the world there seems to be a sense of lack. This may be manifested in many different ways, such as lack of opportunity, lack of a home, and so on. Fundamentally, however, it springs from a lack of understanding of God's allness, of His bounty and loving-kindness. Christian Science teaches that God is Love, infinite, everlasting, omnipresent, omniactive. It also explains that man, made in God's likeness, reflects His qualities and is His perfect expression, inseparable from his creator. Both these great facts are based on the teachings of the Bible, to which Science and Health, the textbook of Christian Science, is the key.

It has often been proved to the writer that the statement quoted above, "God pours the riches of His love into the understanding and affections," is a perfect antidote for the belief of lack of supply. It brings such a sense of the magnitude of God's giving to realize that His riches are poured into consciousness—not trickling in, but flooding into thought, limited only by the individual's capacity to receive. We need to enlarge our capacities to make room for this flowing stream of good, and one can but marvel at the immanence of divine Love, which meets every need in ways quite beyond any human outlining.

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