In loving remembrance of the invitation Christ Jesus gave his disciples on the shore of the Sea of Tiberias, the student of Christian Science recognizes that he too is being offered a wonderful feast of good things. The invitation, "Come and dine" (John 21:12), partake of the things of the Spirit, the Scientist eagerly accepts. He knows how well prepared the meal is because of the love and unselfishness of the Master and his faithful follower, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy. The call to come and dine is motivated by the love of our divine Father-Mother God, who is ever conscious of the supply that meets every need.
Do we hear the call and are we ready to respond? Do we know that it comes from the house, the consciousness, of Love, which is ever prepared to receive us? Are we filled with gratitude for the invitation and eager to participate? Are we hungry enough to desire to be fed by the spirit of Truth?
The need of some may appear as a demand for physical relief from pain or distress. With others there may be a requirement of financial support, a better living standard, or more congenial occupation, social or moral order. Viewing the case in Christian Science, we can see plainly that while God is no respecter of persons, He is a respecter of spiritual thinking, and He rewards such thinking bountifully under His law of good.