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Testimonies of Healing

About thirty-five years ago I was having...

From the September 1956 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About thirty-five years ago I was having serious trouble with my eyes. An uncle who was a prominent medical doctor recognized the nature of the problem and recommended that I consult an eye specialist. The disease was diagnosed as inflammation of the iris. I received medical treatment, but the suffering became quite severe, necessitating absence from my work.

My wife, who had been interested in Christian Science for some time, finally prevailed upon me to call a Christian Science practitioner for help. This I did, but after I had received treatment for about a week there appeared to be no change in the condition. Somewhat discouraged, I turned to another eye specialist and was informed that sometimes the suffering from this disease is so severe that it is necessary to administer an opiate to relieve the pain, which would return frequently. I then realized that Christian Science had helped me, for, while it had been necessary to wear a bandage over both eyes to protect them from the slightest beam of light, it had not been necessary to resort to narcotics. I then turned to Christian Science unreservedly, and continued help from a practitioner resulted in a complete healing. Not only has there been no recurrence of the disease, but I was enabled to lay aside glasses which I had worn for a number of years. Healing of the smoking habit also took place during this experience.

I began attending a Church of Christ, Scientist, regularly and was impressed by the kindness and love expressed by the members, as well as by their evident trust in the ever-presence of God, divine Love. As my interest in Christian Science grew, it brought an understanding of the healing power of God, as revealed in the Bible and in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy.

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