I began the study of Christian Science many years ago, and its pure logic convinced me that it was the truth. A short time before this I had experienced an operation for an internal tumor, but the operation did not bring the relief hoped for. The doctor told me that more surgery was probably necessary. Very soon, however, the changed thought which I entertained through the study of Christian Science changed the physical condition, and there has been no return of the difficulty.
The letter of Christian Science came quickly and naturally, but the spirit was realized only through prayer and demonstration. There were a number of healings at this time, but headaches, from which I had suffered for some time, persisted. Mrs. Eddy tells us (Science and Health, p. 1), "The prayer that reforms the sinner and heals the sick is an absolute faith that all things are possible to God,—a spiritual understanding of Him, an unselfed love." This truth was kept in thought almost constantly until belief had become faith, and faith had brought at least some spiritual understanding. The "unselfed love" came about in this way. A friend who was a student of Christian Science had suffered from severe headaches for many years. While making a short visit to our home she told me that she had been healed and had been free from these headaches for more than a year. I felt such a deep sense of joy over her healing that for days it lifted my thought above materiality. My gratitude and joy over another's freedom expressed the unselfed love necessary for my own healing.
Another healing was the removal of a growth near one eye. At first it was small and not noticed; so it was partially ignored. But it became larger and discolored and was very much noticed. Then I realized that whether small or large it was no part of true being. To ignore something can lead to ignorance of it, and I could see that ignorance is the opposite of intelligence and that I must claim the truth. In a short time the growth entirely disappeared, leaving no trace of outline or color.