Christian Science stands in this age as God's law of goodness, perfection, and harmony. It constitutes the complete answer to all that is contrary to God, good, to all that is lawless.
Christian Science is the law of health, healing sickness; the law of Love, casting out fear and hate; the law of wisdom, counteracting confusion; and the law of harmony, overthrowing sin and discord. Christian Science unfolds in practical demonstration the primal declaration of creation, which affirms (Gen. 1:31), "God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good."
Each earnest student of this Science obeys the divine commandments of God, good, and rejects ungodliness. He aids in the Christianly scientific mission of eradicating every illusive belief that vainly offers itself in opposition to that which God has made. Every time one studies the Bible Lesson, outlined in the Christian Science Quarterly, he affirms righteousness and attacks disorder and the tyranny of evil. Every time he really prays or willingly attends and supports a service in a Church of Christ, Scientist, he is numbering himself as one who is standing up for the law of goodness in his community and against inharmony, sin, disease, and death, against all that is contrary to God's plan for His creation.