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From the January 1959 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Even as "the shadow of a great rock in a weary land" (Isa. 32:2) brings comfort to a wayfarer, so does the Church of Christ, Scientist, provide humanity with a haven to which it may turn to learn more of the demonstrable Science that provides deliverance from all ills.

As they enter this shelter, the poor, the sick, the heartsore, the sinning, the confused, and the frustrated are invited to drop their burdens of false belief and to replace them with the song of man's unity with the Father-Mother God. At the Sunday services and the Wednesday testimony meetings, regenerating truths bring healing and blessing to all those who are receptive.

Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, ordained the Bible and her book "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" as pastor over the Church of Christ, Scientist. This preaching ensures an exact presentation of Truth so that the laws of God and their application to present needs are not lost through personal interpretation. Thus in all time to come, everyone will have the opportunity to share in Mrs. Eddy's discovery of fixed rules that redeem the world from that which is false in theological teachings and to help re-establish in the Christian faith the lost element of healing.

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