Christian Science affirms with Biblical authority that God, good, is All-in-all. From this premise it is logical to conclude that God is the infinite, divine Principle, Love, the one omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Mind. God being divine Mind, One and All, there is no other mind or consciousness.
Although these statements are absolute, they are not abstract and theoretical but positively true, practical, and mercifully demonstrable in human experience when understood and adhered to. They are based upon the spiritual creation, as recorded in the first chapter of Genesis.
The mist, or misunderstanding, referred to in the second chapter of Genesis, which depicts the false, material sense of creation, has not annulled nor can it ever change the eternal, spiritual facts of God's perfect man and universe. We do not ignore the mist that seems to obscure the goodness and perfection of being, but we reject the fallacious suggestion that there is another mind or creator besides God, absolute good, or a creation other than the spiritual.