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From the January 1959 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Those who study Christian Science and are obedient to its rules can expect to realize the blessing of infinite supply. John wrote (I John 3:1), "Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God." As God's children we are the recipients of the gifts of a bountiful Father. These heavenly gifts afford us our only true security.

That which God supplies means more to us than sufficiency in money, food, clothes, homes, and similar human needs. Is not the substance for which we search first best indicated in the qualities of peace, love, harmony, joy, fulfillment, health, life? These are some of the endowments that are given to us by our heavenly Parent. The absence of any one of them indicates that the mortal or carnal mind is imposing on us a false belief of fear and lack.

The Christian Scientist has learned to depend for his confidence on that which is spiritually evident. One definition of "evident" is "clear to the vision and understanding." The human search for contentment, freedom, confidence, security, peace, can be satisfactorily fulfilled only through spiritual understanding and clarity of vision. It is for this understanding of true supply that the Christian Science student earnestly strives.

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