While serving in the Army, I was led to use Christian Science more than I ever had before. It all started when I was in a reception center waiting to be assigned to a camp for basic training. I began to see that it really is God who does the placing, and not military personnel. Therefore, I could never be anywhere but in my right place.
As a result of this realization, I was never more than four hundred miles from my home, although I was transferred six times in two years, and I was always in an interesting branch of the Army. With the exception of the first three months, my wife was with me the entire time, and we were blessed in many ways.
At one time I was stationed in a large city, and we were having difficulty in finding an apartment. We replied by telephone to one particular advertisement which seemed to describe just what we wanted. However, the prospective landlord immediately said he was not going to rent to any more Army people.