My first healing in Christian Science came after I had enrolled in the Sunday School. As a child, I had suffered from a complication of diseases. The doctors had said that I would never graduate from school and that I would be a dull student; but after attending the Christian Science Sunday School for some time, I learned that God is my intelligence.
This wonderful truth opened up a whole new world for me. I graduated from high school and was selected as a contestant in a typewriting contest. I also had a high grade in shorthand, which at first had seemed difficult for me. I never had to seek a position. Upon three different occasions before my marriage, prospective employers, having obtained my record from the school, came to me and asked me to work for them. In each case I was ready to make the change.
Nine years after my first marriage, my husband decided that he wanted a divorce. I felt resentful and hurt and became very ill. I lost much weight, and I could not eat or sleep. I then went with my aunt to California and had Christian Science treatment from a practitioner. She told me to read this verse from the Bible (Isa. 54:5): "Thy Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called."