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Testimonies of Healing

My introduction to Christian Science...

From the September 1960 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My introduction to Christian Science came about through the instantaneous healing of our infant daughter when all evidence indicated that she was passing on. A year later I was sent to a sanitarium for tuberculosis to be quarantined because my father and two sisters had passed on with the disease, and I was suspected of having the condition in its incipient stages. It was then that I seriously took up the study of Christian Science.

During the stay at the sanitarium, I had positive proof of this statement of Mrs. Eddy from the Christian Science textbook. Science and Health (p. 228): "The transmission of disease or of certain idiosyncrasies of mortal mind would be impossible if this great fact of being were learned,—namely, that nothing inharmonious can enter being, for Life is God."

A patient next to me inquired about the identity of the book in which I was so engrossed. I told her that it was the Christian Science textbook. She asked to see it, stating that she had heard of healings resulting from just reading the book. We both studied diligently from that day on. One day I picked up a cookie that she had been nibbling on and ate some of it. Fearfully she asked me if I did not realize that I might be harmed since her case was active and positive. Immediately such a sense of compassion and love filled my consciousness that I took her in my arms and said, "God is the only power, and He never made a disease germ."

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