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The Christian Science Pastor

From the September 1960 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Bible and Science and Health, these are our pastor;
they feed us daily, citation by citation.
Section by section of the Lesson-Sermon,
they lead us out on high and sunlit places.

No herdsman ever led out his flock at morning
with kinder forethought and more constant care
beside still waters and cool refreshing grasses,
nor brought it home at evening more secure.

Fed by their spiritual food, we last the day
with strength and inspiration ever increasing.
Following the paths they show us, step by step,
we emerge from valleys, unsullied and rejoicing.

The sick and straying how tenderly these care for,
man ever in God's perfect image revealing,
with staff and rod compassionately correcting,
with words of gentle persuasion renewing, healing!

And at week's end, their work well done, these gather
their flock complete to share the common meal,
the fully-grown at morning and evening service,
the young, the little ones, in Sunday School.

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