Have you ever admired the lovely, slender crescent moon, brilliant in the sky? And yet is there really such a thing? In spite of the fact that the naked eye often sees only a partial, incomplete moon, the moon is complete and whole at all times. This is one more phenomenon which illustrates the incomplete testimony of the material senses.
In Christian Science there is a lesson to be learned from this example, namely that an incomplete experience is never a fact, but only an appearance. As the light, or intelligence, in our consciousness increases, as understanding replaces superstition, as wisdom destroys ignorance, we begin to see creation as it is: the expression of the one infinite Being, called God, or creator. In spite of any human appearance of lack or incompleteness, Life is ever present in its fullness, to be discerned and to be demonstrated. Truth, reality, is intact, complete, unchanged "yesterday, and to day, and for ever" (Hebr. 13:8). No amount of negative thinking, such as hate, fear, envy, lust, can change Truth one iota. And here is another point, sometimes overlooked, that no amount of prayer, whether it be petition or affirmation, can change Truth one iota. Truth is.
Mrs. Eddy writes in Science and Health (p. 2), "Prayer cannot change the Science of being, but it tends to bring us into harmony with it." This corroborates one of the basic truths of creation set forth in the Bible in the Book of Ecclesiastes (3: 14), "I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it."