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From the March 1961 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The question is sometimes asked, "Why is total abstinence from the use of alcohol and tobacco required of applicants for membership in The Mother Church?" The answer may be simply stated, Because their use in any degree is inconsistent with the teaching and practice of Christian Science as set forth in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" and other writings by Mary Baker Eddy. On page 454 of the textbook our beloved Leader writes, "It need not be added that the use of tobacco or intoxicating drinks is not in harmony with Christian Science."

Discontinuance of their use, like other advancing steps in Science, benefits the student, bringing him fresh inspiration and a fuller sense of satisfaction and general well-being.

Christian Science teaches the allness and omnipotence of Spirit and the unreality and powerlessness of matter. Its teachings, understood and demonstrated, free those who rely upon them from sin, disease, death, and all evil. But one finds that in order to demonstrate the teachings of Christian Science he must be consistent. He cannot effectively deny the claim of matter to produce suffering and disease while willingly yielding himself a slave to its claims to give pleasure and satisfaction. A primary step in the demonstration of man's God-given dominion is the overcoming of that which claims to be habit-forming and to hold one in bondage.

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