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From the March 1961 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"More love is the great need of mankind," states Mrs. Eddy in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 107). Every Christian Science practitioner knows how frequently unresolved discords in human relationships are the root of physical problems and how surely the demonstration of Love brings healing. Every member of a Church of Christ, Scientist, recognizes the need for love in church work, because Love demonstrated in thought and action is the strength of a branch church.

How can we learn to live more fully the Christlike love that redeems and heals? Humbly and gratefully we can turn to Christ Jesus' example. Here is revealed the true standard for conduct in individual and church affairs. The Christian Scientist makes it his life purpose to follow in the Saviour's way. Although the world has long acknowledged the beauty of Jesus' lessons of love, Science reveals their complete practicality.

There is nothing more exalting than to demonstrate divine Love by fulfilling the Master's command (John 15:12), "Love one another, as I have loved you." Like sunlight flooding a whole room, this love is bound to be radiated in a higher sense of human affection in our home, our church, and in all our relationships. The more love we pour out to others, the more we have within ourselves.

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