"I am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images." Thus did God reveal His supremacy and self-existence to Isaiah (42:8). Concerning man's relationship to Himself, God declared, "Ye are my witnesses . . . that I am God" (43:12).
Mrs. Eddy emphasizes these profound Scriptural truths in these words in "Miscellaneous Writings": "The origin, substance, and life of man are one, and that one is God,—Life, Truth, Love. The self-existent, perfect, and eternal are God; and man is their reflection and glory" (p. 187).
God, as eternal Life, or Father, remains in constant harmonious relation with His ideas, the offspring of His infinite selfhood. This spiritual truth establishes also their concordant, intelligent coexistence with each other. Reasoning from a metaphysical basis, we see that any miscreation, misdirection, collision, or conflict is scientifically impossible. Such a seeming occurrence in human experience cannot therefore be factual.