If anyone had told me six years ago what was in store for me and my family and how it would be accomplished, I should never have believed him. I had demonstrated many times that man's true health is spiritual, and I had had many proofs that man's true supply comes from God; but during my three-year term as a Reader in a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, which was followed by my husband's term as a Reader, I gained such a conviction of what real happiness is that I am certain I have found the way of Life.
During these six years a baby girl was born to us in our home; first a daughter married and then a son; another son's schooling had to be planned and financed; a mother and a father needed special care. Instead of succumbing to a sense of burden, I learned to lean more completely on God. As I look back I almost marvel how the least detail in each connection was harmoniously worked out, and all with a greater sense of love and freedom than I had known.
Some months before our daughter was married, an infection set in one of her gums. She was in great discomfort, and the condition appeared to affect her whole body. During this time she had treatment through prayer from a Christian Science practitioner, and many of our days and nights were spent in reading and declaring spiritual truths.