The consecrated study of Christian Science soon discloses to the student that the healing of the body is incidental to a change of thought. He learns that any discordant condition originates in thought; that wrong thought is always the culprit, and that matter, being the subjective state of mortal mind, is neither intelligent nor discordant of itself. Transformation of thought as the result of regeneration and purification is expressed in better health, happier surroundings, and more abundant living.
When through prayer the thought of the individual becomes imbued with the Christ-spirit, healing is inevitable, for healing in Christian Science is the result of the understanding of what is spiritually real.
Mrs. Eddy devoted years to Biblical research, and this prayerful study so changed her thought that she was convinced of the stupendous truth that the only reality possible to man is spiritual perfection; that materiality is a temporal dream, the awakening from which brings into evidence health, holiness, joy, and liberation, here and now. Demonstration of the truth in Christian Science should not be looked upon as a laborious process. In "Pulpit and Press," Mrs. Eddy writes (p. 4), "You have simply to preserve a scientific, positive sense of unity with your divine source, and daily demonstrate this."