My first healing in Christian Science was that of granulated eyelids. This condition, together with sties, had plagued me since early childhood. I began reading the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, but without a thought of being healed physically. In less than two months both the disfiguring troubles ceased to exist, a fact which was very noticeable to close associates.
I devoted every spare moment to the reading of the textbook. After a couple of months I realized that I was completely healed of hernia. This condition had caused constant suffering for more than twelve years.
When with all my heart I turned in prayer to God for guidance, as we are taught to do in Christian Science, I realized that I should join a branch church in the city where we were temporarily living and become active in furthering its purpose. I immediately went to the telephone and made the necessary arrangements to take such a step. I was healed in that moment of a goiter which had held me in bondage for three and one half years.