Many centuries ago, a people dwelling in the land of Shinar decided to build themselves "a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven" (Gen. 11:4). They felt they must do this in order to make a name for themselves and keep themselves from being scattered over the face of the earth.
The aggressive mental suggestion of a selfhood apart from God had mesmerized them into thinking they had to do something of themselves in order to establish and preserve their identity. Had they so soon forgotten the mighty power of God that had delivered their ancestors from the flood and preserved them all alive? The Bible tells us that this people, heretofore, had been one and had had one language; yet now they allowed themselves to be thus persuaded to believe they could act separately from God and to believe they could accomplish something successfully on their own. They did not even consult God first to see if this plan of theirs was the right thing to do or not. As a result, their tower was never completed, for the people were dispersed and their language was confounded.
Mrs. Eddy gives on page 581 of Science and Health the scientific definition of "Babel":