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From the April 1963 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science has come to save us from a corporeal sense of ourselves. We frequently hear the statement that one is running away from himself. Every human being, whether he is aware of it or not, is seeking release from the selfhood which he inadvertently believes himself to be. Why? Science explains that one cannot live at peace with a wrong sense of self, because the belief in a corporeal sense of selfhood has no relationship to God and His image, man.

At best, material amusements can offer one only a temporary retreat from a state of mortal self-consciousness. Sensual desires enmesh one deeper in the belief of self-conscious matter. They do not provide a retreat from the pent-up pressures of self-centered thinking. The godless belief in self-conscious matter, or physical personality, engenders fear, hate, jealousy, and the like. It breeds insecurity and misery, dishonesty and wickedness.

Permanent release from an inverted, material sense of self can be achieved in Christian Science, which reveals our innate freedom as children of God. We discover in this theology that by denying material selfhood we can forever appreciate and be at peace with our sinless Christlike selfhood, the selfhood which glorifies God instead of matter. Christ Jesus said (Luke 18:14), "Every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted."

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