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From the July 1963 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Mrs. Eddy states (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 10): "We have no enemies. Whatever envy, hatred, revenge—the most remorseless motives that govern mortal mind—whatever these try to do, shall 'work together for good to them that love God.'"

Why can one say, "I have no enemies"? Because, according to Christian Science, that which appears to be an enemy is but evil's suggestion that God, Spirit, Love, is not All and that man, God's image and likeness, is not wholly spiritual and loving. Evil's misconceptions, which aggressively suggest themselves to thought, are not real. The fact that man is the reflection of Love rules out the falsity that he is a frail mortal, subject to mortal motives, affections, and aims.

Christ Jesus knew the unreal nature of evil; hence it never impressed him. He easily silenced its vain boastings. His clear understanding of God, good, and of man in God's likeness reduced evil to its utter nothingness. He brought the Christ-idea into living glory; he proved that the reflection of divine Love destroys the seeming power of envy, jealousy, fear, hatred, revenge—all the unspiritual qualities which evil seems to engender in human consciousness.

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