I had been a pupil in a Christian Science Sunday School since early childhood, having experienced freedom from the so-called children's diseases and having a very happy life. After my marriage, however, I strayed from the teachings of Science and its practice and for about ten years sought my happiness and well-being in people, places, and things. Finally, I awoke one morning with my marriage gone, my health failing, and facing the necessity of earning a living for myself and a young son. The thought came to me, in answer to a prayer of deep need, to return to the study of Christian Science.
I then made an appointment with a practitioner and hurried to her office. I came away from it healed of the smoking habit, which had held me in bondage for ten years, although smoking was not mentioned during the visit.
Earnestly I started the study of Science again. As the false beliefs that I had been indulging in, such as anger, resentment, selfishness, jealousy, loneliness, fear, and so on, were replaced in my thought with the truth of God and man, I found that I was a new person.