"This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success" (Josh. 1:8). I once had a business experience which proved that the Bible and the Christian Science textbook by Mrs. Eddy can chart a pathway to success. I was working for a national television company and was given an assignment by the general sales manager that utterly baffled me. I left his office and returned to my own. I had absolutely no idea how to proceed, and there was nobody I could ask for help.
I cleared all the papers from my desk top and took from one of my desk drawers copies of the Bible and of Science and Health. I had no sooner done this than mortal mind began arguing in this way: "What good will these books be? This is not a problem that can be solved through understanding that God is Love. This is a cold, hard business problem." However, I knew that the books would help me; I had solved many cold, hard problems through reliance on Christian Science. So I was able to argue back, "Perhaps my immediate need may not be for a fuller understanding of Love; but since all business proceeds from divine Principle, it is obvious that I need a better understanding of Principle, divine Love." This answer totally silenced mortal mind, and I was able to read the books with a clear, receptive thought. I read for some time. I was delighted when I realized that a sense of peace and calm had replaced the confusion and frustration that had, at first, engulfed me. I finally put the books aside.
Once again I wondered how to proceed. I was facing the problem rather calmly now, and I thought of a logical starting point. But I had no idea what I would do after I finished the first step. I had started anyway. Amazingly, after I had finished the first step the second one was perfectly clear; and so it went until step by step I had finished the whole job. I had been given three weeks to do it, and I completed it on time. When I presented the study to management, they asked specific questions. I was able to answer every question, and I am happy to say that they were pleased. In fact, they asked me to write a paper on it for the trade press so that the whole industry might have the benefit of the study.