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Testimonies of Healing

To those unacquainted with the power...

From the May 1964 issue of The Christian Science Journal

To those unacquainted with the power of God, Truth, reading about the good that has come to me and to my family through my acceptance of Christian Science over thirty years ago might seem like a fairy tale.

Shortly after my marriage I was faced with a problem that seemed unsurmountable, for I could find no solution. I attempted to pray, but received no help. From that time I pushed out of my thinking any belief or trust in God and considered myself an atheist. This state of thought continued for ten years.

The morning of my tenth wedding anniversary, I acknowledged to myself that my life so far was a complete failure, and the outlook for the future seemed hopeless. It was as though I were trapped in a deep pit filled with discord, and I could find no way out. There were three young children to be considered, and I had a deep desire for them to have a happy and normal childhood and homelife. Right then I decided to investigate Christian Science.

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