When my brother and I were young children, my mother, who had been suffering greatly from lumbago, was told by physicians that there was no permanent cure for it. At this point a neighbor gave her a copy of the Christian Science textbook by Mrs. Eddy, telling her that it would surely be of help.
My mother accepted the book, not because she thought it would actually help or heal, but because she wanted to be courteous to our neighbor. However, when she began to read she found it so interesting that she read almost constantly until she had finished it. She said later it contained an explanation of God and man that was logical and comforting. She did have a few more attacks of lumbago, but she called a Christian Science practitioner for help instead of a medical doctor, and the disease faded completely from her experience.
My brother and I were enrolled in a Christian Science Sunday School, and this was our religion from that time on. I am so thankful for the years I spent in the Sunday School; they were valuable indeed. Although my father never became interested in Science, he did attend church occasionally with my mother and acknowledged its healing power.