There is a comfort in the quiet releasing
Of cherished aims, to make way for His plan;
There is a wondrous peace which comes from climbing
Up to the holy place where God sees man.
There is a power that lifts the weary seeker
Over the mist and into Spirit's light,
Into the realm where thought may safely ponder
How to obey that tender, healing might.
There is a stillness where, as Mind's reflection,
Men can begin to comprehend the son,
Understand their duty, joy, and treasure,
Fathom the journey only just begun.
Strengthen us, Father, in our true endeavor
To follow where the Master strode ahead;
To drink the living fountain's crystal water.
"Come unto me." "Arise, and walk," he said.
Have we not seen our Leader bring fulfillment?
Heard "Completeness!" whispered from above?
All of us precious sons and humble priesthood,
Hidden and nurtured, deep in Truth and Love.