The writer had been striving for several days and nights to arouse a loved one from disease and suffering, but without results. Finally, leaving the patient's bedside, he went to another room and sat down to pray, seeking release from anxiety and fear. Receiving no inspiration, he soon realized that while he was reaching out to God for the healing, he was also listening to the sounds of the patient's distress—an impossible situation, showing a lack of trust in the omnipotence of God.
This error uncovered, he turned completely from the sense of a suffering mortal and placed her mentally in the hands of her Father-Mother God. The words came to him: "Father-Mother, she is all Yours. You made her, and You sustain her and protect her. She is not material, but is Your perfect, spiritual idea." Immediately a great sense of peace enveloped him. He retired for a good night's rest. In the morning harmony reigned. Even the memory of the ordeal had been wiped out.
He realized that the healing had been effected only after he had turned from a fearful, possessive sense of his patient. He saw that mere human attachment had no healing power and therefore was not real love. Real love was manifested in an absolute reliance on God. This dispelled fear and healed the sick. The nature of love is always to liberate, inspire, and heal, not only the one who is loving another but also the recipient of love.