Untimely drowsiness has deprived many an individual of the fruits of alertness and vigilance. Dozing when one should be awake and watching gives evidence that one has ceased exercising the divinely derived faculty of reason; that animal magnetism, whose action is always to draw thought away from the spiritual, has dulled and stupefied thought, effectively mesmerizing it against the joy of heavenly inspiration. Upon one's ear, when one should have been attentive, may have fallen perfect phraseology and beauty of ideas, but because thought has become unresponsive to underlying spiritual values, the eye has automatically closed in sleep.
The human mind is particularly prone to indulge apathy toward spiritual concepts, although they have a direct and provable bearing upon human affairs, as Christian Science is demonstrating in the healing of all forms of discord. The first action of this practical Science of Christianity is to rouse thought from its apathetic acceptance of the reality of sin, sickness, and death and to challenge the basic premise of mortality—that matter is the source and conditioner of existence.
The Adamic theory of life, originating in the mortal mind dream of inert matter, is the illusive source of every discordant belief to which the human race seems subject. Christian Science corrects this fallacious concept with the spiritual truths of being, which are found in the first chapter of Genesis, wherein God is described as the origin and condition of man's life.