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From the March 1966 issue of The Christian Science Journal

There is no lack in the infinitude of God's ever-present abundance. Lack is a lie about the true state of being. Prayer in Christian Science does not endeavor to change the perfect, true state of being which God created; but prayer, that is, the realization of the truth, can correct the false concept, and this is all that ever needs changing.

Truth always corrects error, even as light always destroys darkness. The Truth necessary to correct the misconception of lack is constantly available. This Truth is the Christ, which Jesus exemplified. It was the purpose of Christ Jesus to destroy the erroneous, limiting beliefs of mortal sense by teaching and proving the true nature of God. With the pure idea of abundance, the Christ, Truth, refutes the limited false concepts of lack within the human consciousness.

In the Bible what a wonderful example we have of the Christ, God's idea, correcting the erroneous belief of lack! John records in his Gospel that when a vast multitude had followed Jesus, he asked Philip, one of the disciples, how the great company could be fed. Philip contended that even two hundred pennyworth of bread would be insufficient. Andrew pointed out that there was present a lad who had two small fishes and five barley loaves with him, but dismissed this amount as being completely inadequate.

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