What is one's defense when one is faced with fear, panic, disaster, riots, and other aggressive appearances and suggestions of evil? It is in knowing and demonstrating that man's identity is indestructible because man, God's spiritual idea, lives, moves, and has his being in God, Mind, infinite good. In the degree that one recognizes this truth, the claim that evil can destroy man is annulled. The Bible says, "My defence is of God, which saveth the upright in heart." Ps. 7:10;
Mrs. Eddy knew the need for spiritual defense. In the Manual of The Mother Church, under the heading "Alertness to Duty," she says, "It shall be the duty of every member of this Church to defend himself daily against aggressive mental suggestion, and not be made to forget nor to neglect his duty to God, to his Leader, and to mankind." Man., Art. VIII, Sect. 6;
The weapons to be used for our defense are the understanding of Truth, the spiritual ideas of God, righteousness, peace, faith, and "the sword of the Spirit, which," Paul says "is the word of God."Eph. 6:17; To know that God is a sure defense, we must live in accord with God's law. Our oneness, or unity, with God enables us to destroy evil's pretense to power and presence.