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All—A Little Word with an Infinite Meaning

From the February 1967 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The little word "all" is so commonplace in the everyday use of language that we rarely give it special attention. But when it is used to describe God, to picture dimensionless infinity, the boundless scope of divine being, it suddenly becomes important. Mrs. Eddy tells us, "We must learn that God is infinitely more than a person, or finite form, can contain; that God is a divine Whole, and All, an all-pervading intelligence and Love, a divine, infinite Principle; and that Christianity is a divine Science." 1

What a joy to get even a glimpse of God's wholeness and allness! It is a foretaste of what will be constantly ours as we silence material sense and learn to perceive the ever-presence of God, who never comes nor goes. God, the All-in-all, is totally present every moment, everywhere. His wholeness fills immensity, governing and sustaining His entire creation. Right now we all actually live in a fathomless ocean of divine Love. This Love is the All-Mind, the Ego or I am that constitutes our life, substance, intelligence, and action. As Paul puts it, we are "hid with Christ in God." 2

In divine metaphysics the allness of God never implies the absorption of creation into the deific Whole. Rather, it shows that creation is the evidence of the functioning presence of God; that God, infinite Life, is a definite, active entity, endlessly expressing Himself within Himself. The All-Mind includes all ideas. Ideas do not subdivide God; they are God's thoughts—the distinct, individualized ideas of the divine Mind.

1  Miscellaneous Writings, p. 16;

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