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Testimonies of Healing

My pearl of great price is the revelation...

From the February 1967 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My pearl of great price is the revelation of Truth brought to me through a wonderful healing which came about simply by my reading the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy.

I was enrolled in an orthodox Sunday School by a loving and devoted mother, who believed in God and in prayer. But my concept of God as a sort of superman, a dealer in good and evil, left me an agnostic, and when I went away to college I fell away from all religion and did not enter a church edifice for many years.

Then one day a doctor told me I must have an operation to remove a malignant growth on my mouth. With great fear and doubt I submitted to the operation. Later I submitted to another operation for the same difficulty and to radium treatments. The following year I began to have internal trouble. Fearfully I waited and hoped it would stop. I postponed going to a doctor; but finally I went to a clinic where tests revealed that I had internal cancer.

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